What comes to your mind when you think of hydroponic farming?
When people hear the word farming, then most of the people would think that they would need a big fertile land, a lot of soil, and a lot of crops too. While you know that this is the traditional way of doing farming, but you don’t know that there are also a lot of other ways through which you can of grow a lot of crops. One of the most interesting ways that has received a lot of popularity among the household people is known as hydroponic farming, it is basically a method in which we can grow plants in water rich and having the plant nutrients that are essential, you don’t need soil to grow crops through this method. Hydroponic farming has a lot of pros as well as cons in its technique. 
Some of the pros are given below:
When you will compare the vegetables that are grown in soil, then you will be able to notice that you will always need to remove all the roots of that vegetable before you sell it anywhere. However, if you have grown the vegetable with hydroponic farming, then you will actually see that you can sell the vegetable with its roots intact with the nutrients. So, this will allow the vegetable to stay fresh for a longer time period.
Apart from the point that is mentioned above, the plant which is grown in the hydroponic farming will always be grown in an environment which will be full of water, the plant will never be short of water, as you will see that both the nutrients and water are provided to the plant already. Even if you want to dispose the hydroponic water, then it is much easier if you compare to the dispassion of traditional soil.
3.Furthermore, in some of the countries or areas where there is very little fertile land for growing crops or having the soil with less nutrients, if you are thinking to grow the crops in soil,then it would be very  difficult for you as you can only grow few crops at a time, and you will also need to use the soil wisely so that it will prevent the nutrients from drying up.
With all these advantages let me tell you some more interesting things. IF you haven’t heard about freight farms then you need to know about it. Freight farms is basically a company which was the first to manufacture and sell the farms in a container which were also known as “container farms”. So by this person could do hydroponic farming inside an intermodal freight container, it also gives you the best technology.

Then comes the germicidal chamber, it is used to prevent the diseases from coming to the plants by using the UV type c lights so that it inactive the pathogens by destroying the pathogen’s nucleic acid.
HVAC AC sterilizer helps in the sterilization of the bacteria’s that could destroy the plants so it is used in the protection of the plant.
Sterilizer air purifier is basically a device which helps in removing the containments from the air in any room or anywhere you want. It is mostly used in hydroponic farming.
Covid is the latest topic for people nowadays, so anyone would not want that they should get infected from corona. So Covid sterilizer is used for making the unwanted bacteria’s and microorganisms to stay away from the plants so that it will not infect anyone.
Then comes the last UVC sterilizer. It is basically a source of light which is said to kill all the microorganisms that can destroy the plants.
Freight Farms

Freight Farms


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