Everyday heroes.

As I took this picture, she recalled the death of her husband and the emotional hardships she has stuffed in the aftermath, but she ended the conversation highlighting the importance of moving forward. It is not about the circumstances, what defines her is how she has confronted her reality.  

Every day in our lives we encounter countless heroes disguised as average commuters. Let’s not forget we are all part of countless micro wars within our psyche and our immediate community. It is our choice to be a part of the problem or the solution. We can be heroes, or that one person people dread will show up to the party.

She is a very kind and strong women who will probably not be on tv, and her warmth will not be felt trough viral social media, but she is important to her family and her community. I can’t think of a better way to be remembered.

Everyday heroes.

Everyday heroes.


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