A/Zeta presents: Alternative Movie Posters of  Wild Tales.

"A way to illustrate a movie with many faces, many narrative dimensions about a topic that doesn’t know borders or forms.
Twelve interpretations. Twelve artists gave their own vision to the concept of the movie - without have seen the movie.
Wild Tales (Damián Szifron) tells six stories where “the characters of Wild Tales cross the thin line that divides civilization from brutality. A story about love deception, the return of the past, a tragedy, or even the violence contained in an everyday detail, appear themselves to push them towards the abyss, into the undeniable pleasure of losing control.”
This is my interpretation
Todos podemos perder el control. Un callejón sin salida, un encuentro inesperado, un descubrimiento lacerante, una decisión repentina, una voltereta, un momento inoportuno: todo vale para liberar al animal de su jaula contenedora de rabia o de violencia. Y, una vez suelto, no se reprimen los impulsos ni se impide la explosión de energía acumulada: es el tiempo de ser salvaje y punzante, así como un cuchillo afilado bien claveteado.
              Artigo no Buzzfeed
Thank you!
Relatos Salvajes

Relatos Salvajes

Poster for A/Zeta alternative poster project about the movie Relatos Salvajes (Damián Szifron).
