pixel art! Retro 8-bit concept.
Nathan Halwel
This image is a proof of concept for generating 8-bit imagery from photo references, and how unique the experience is when our brains automatically fill in the gaps where this medium, once limited by technical capabilities and storage, pushed the efficiency of every pixel to represent as much as possible. What might feel like something as simple as nostalgia to us now might be too simple of a conclusion - 8-bit imagery is playful, but it is also an interesting challenge in editing and decision making.  Every mark holds so much more weight in the success of the total image than any modern standard of representation, and the success of these types of images feel all the more satisfying when it is done well - amongst many failed attempts at capturing this feeling, I like to think this final result is an example of success.

The final image is the pixel art without any filters emulating the effects of a screen or printing, and its an interesting type of image to use as an example of how these contrived emulations of an experience can have on an image like this rather than a detail rich image like a photograph.

Thanks for looking!
Pixel Art!


Pixel Art!

Pixel Art inspired by retro video games, referencing old family photos from the same era.
