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Cynefin / Album Covers

Single and album covers for The Wicker Man, a dark folk, neoclassical band from Ukraine

Before the full album release, The Wicker Man planned to come out with two singles, each with an individual cover.

Cynefin, the name of the album, is a Welsh word that signifies the intertwined factors in our environment and our experience that influence us in ways we can never fully understand.
The band wanted the covers to create a single story and feature natural environments with surrealist elements. They described their music as dramatic and melancholic, and wanted to see these moods in the cover images.

We went through two rounds of sketches, narrowing down on the storyline the covers would tell. 
The first image for Sentience marked the beginning of a woman's quest for unity with the world beyond. Here, the woman is but a tiny speck against the grandeur of nature.
The cover of the second single, Look at Me, sees the woman understanding for the first time that nature isn't some separate being, that she's an integral part of it.
Finally, the album cover is the culmination of the story: the woman comes to a realization that everything that has happened outside has actually been happening on the inside too. The quest was internal all along. She has a whole universe inside of her.
Below are a few rejected versions of the covers and an extra image that didn't end up getting used.
Cynefin / Album Covers


Cynefin / Album Covers
