Land .'s profile

CoCo Sin store | 2015


Cocosin store | 2015
Location: Saigon, Vietnam


The project of Coco Sin store came when it was still our rough days. Unfinished work piled up, countless unfortunate things stroke from nowhere, all left us with tough choices. Nonetheless, it didn’t stop us from getting our hands on this project, even though we refused many offers at that time. Three reasons motivated us to make that choice.
1. Cocosin belongs to a friend. She is our beloved client in a project that we took on before. We would love to maintain the relationship.
2. The logo of the store is designed by Bratus (, who is also another talented friend that we are eager to collaborate.
3. In the darkest time of life, I was supported by my brothers - my colleagues, who have never turned their back on me. I am grateful to them, and I need to show them that no matter how bad life might be, we would overcome all and we must do it together
I took Cocosin project with calmness while anxiety was actually what I felt. I was worried that I could not overcome all the obstacles and hold on until the project finished. I was worried that I would disappoint my friends who put all their trust in me. This is not just a project, it marks my own days full of worry, it exists as my final exam, at which everyone else around me are also tested to prove their trust and patience for me.
The construction plan used to be a humble electrical store, with makeshift walls put up, and stuffs mounting up messily as in the garage sale. The second floor was no more than a storage space, covered with dust and spider web. After taking a look at the site, we made several important decisions on how to create a space for fashion that suits the taste of customers.
Our two most important decisions were the way we handle the staircase and the atrium to create the connection between the two floors. Spiral stair was chosen for its space-saving characteristic and our mission is to make it the spotlight of the store instead of a hidden structure. The atrium is designed to be able to be seen from the outside, behind the high glass door. The customer then can see through it before decide whether to step inside the store.
The remaining space is inspired entirely by the stylish logo design from Bratus, with its diamond-shaped cuts and monochrome tone. Deciding not to put green shades of trees in the store is tough, but it’s a must, for the amount of goods is limited, and the condition of natural sunlight doesn’t allow us. To make up for that, we use wooden floor – the only natural element in the space. We went through a lot of debates to reach consensus, as we always hope to create a familiar atmosphere in the space for customers. Especially for the staffs that work here, they need to be comfortable working in a not-very-open 150 square meters space.
Eventually, everything turns out to be alright. We made it, despite numerous pop-up problems during construction, with trust and patience from our customers. On the opening day, we didn’t come and visit. We just secretly enjoyed the view of the lamps lighting up from far back. Counting every person coming in and leaving, watching the movement of people in that cozy lovely place, I found myself in peace again.
I believe that difficulties in life are not meant to stop us, instead, to overcome and realize what is valuable in life.


| House on Tree design studio |
CoCo Sin store | 2015

CoCo Sin store | 2015

Project : CoCo Sin store | 2015 Design : Land | Nhà Trên Cây design Location : Saigon, Vietnam. Photos : by Nha Tren Cay
