When pandemic hits, I found that I need to explore something new. So, I decided to play around with Cinema 4D. Some HDRi-s and lighting equips are used. Materials comes from some HD images and handmade in Photoshop
Type experiment
More and more forms
Dark mode
In my imagination
Doodling in 3D
Abstract compo (playing around with HDRi dome)
Ganbatte neon sign
Corona virus time
Ready. Set. 3D
Leica gang
3D sets for @so_bad.coffee
Some desk deco to your favor
I miss arcade game
Kiss my Airmax ‘90
Thank your for your attention. Hit me thru email if you need any like these!
3D Explo


3D Explo

This is my exploration with Cinema 4D. Kinda abstract looks is my theme here
